Ministry Partners

http://godbelingsinmycity.comEvery year thousands of people from across the world gather in their cities to hold a prayer walk. Prayer walks are a declaration of faith and a call for people to rise up and proclaim the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ. GBIMC wants to share the Gospel to the ends of the world so if there isn’t a prayer walk in your city, request a walk today!

http://kingdomlifenaples.orgWe are a small fellowship of Christians seeking to live out our lives through Word, Sacrament and Spirit. Our greatest desire is to see His Kingdom come, and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Experience God’s presence through worship which spans the ages of the church from the prayers of the ancient church to traditional hymns (rocked up!) to contemporary worship from Bethel, Rend Collective, King and Country, Elevation, Big Daddy Weave, Hillsong, Robin Mark. While we are not affiliated directly to Bethel, we do identify closely with the Bethel movement and so we see ourselves as a unique blend of Anglican and Bethel. Both operating under the authority of Scripture; being Anglican provides us with a rich tradition of liturgy and an understanding of the Sacraments; while Bethel provides us with a Kingdom Culture/Revival focus and a 21st/22nd Century vision of Church and Kingdom.

http://thrivetogrow.orgThrive Ministries endeavors to be a representation of what the body of Christ is called to do. It is about being an entity that others can receive, learn and grow from. The only way that can happen is if the ministry itself thrives. We envision a tree with men, women, families, children, friends and unsaved people standing under it and reaching for and picking fruit. The tree is constantly thriving so that others may constantly come and eat from it.
Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.
Proverbs 11:28

http://anglicanmissioninternational.orgAnglican Mission International exists as a chapter of “The Anglican Mission – A Society for Mission and Apostolic Works”. The Society currently consists of five chapters, Anglican Mission in America, AM Canada, Mission India, Anglican Mission International and Anglican Mission Haiti. It’s existing churches, emerging congregations and fellowships of Anglican Mission International are committed to the principles and practices of evangelism, discipleship, and renewal, and, providing practical assistance through mutual partnerships enabling and empowering the local church globally to fulfill the Great Commission.

http://bicfl.orgBrothers Imitating Christ (BIC) is a group of Spirit-led men from different churches and ethnic background seeking communion with our Father through worship, prayer and fasting. We offer a safe haven for all men who are accountable to each other, exhorting one another to good works while strengthening our bond with the Lord and each other. This contributes to our divine purpose as a group of individual members of the Body of Christ.